“澳大利亚东方歌舞团”是澳洲第一流的华人文化团体,Lili Zheng 团长从事舞蹈专业30多年,汇聚一大批优秀的舞蹈演员,以传承中华民族优秀传统舞蹈为基础,融合西方现代文化的表现形式,博采众长,创作编排出大批风格形式多样、很有艺术观赏性的中国和世界各民族的歌舞。歌舞团在悉尼歌剧院、悉尼市政厅、娱乐中心、Star City等著名剧场参加了很多大型晚会的演出。舞蹈演员们热情洋溢的舞蹈,生动活泼的形象,美丽夺目的服饰,受到澳洲各民族观众的广泛赞赏。
Australia Oriental Sing & Dance Group
Australia Oriental Sing & Dance Group is the best Chinese culture and arts group in Australia, Director Lili Zheng who has been a professional dancer for more than 30 years, brought together a large number of outstanding dancers, Based on the Chinese traditional dance heritage with the integration of modern western culture manifestations. They scheduled for a large number of creative style of dancing in various forms. The group participated in many large-scale evening performances in Sydney Opera House, Sydney Town Hal, Entertainment Centre, Star city and other famous theatres. It is widely appreciated by the audience with its ebullient dance and the image of the lively, beautiful dazzling costumes.
Australia Oriental Sing & Dance Group’s richly colourful performances include the enthusiastic Chinese folk dancing, more imaginative Xingjinang dancing, the uninhitited Mongolian dancing, passionate Tibetan dancing, a blend of Chinese Dai dancing, the erotic Arabic style dancing, the rhythm of American jazz, lifestyles of Indian dancing, rocking Egypt’s dancing, and other forms of folk dancing, as well as Chinese and Western songs and musical instruments suitable of a multi-cultural background of Australian residents and tourists all over the world.