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DVD Movie -> 2009 《共同的祝愿》庆祝60华诞 售价:  $10.00

悉尼华人华侨庆祝中国建国60华诞大型庆典活动 DVD 2碟
Celebration for the 60th anniversaries of the People Republic of China in Sydney

主办:悉尼华人华侨 Overseas Chinese in Sydney
时间:6 September 2009
Concourse in front of the Sydney Opera House

锣鼓队在台阶最上方60头雄狮在在大台阶中部地段,the 60 lions and placed in the middle,
所有社区旗阵站立在雄狮後all the flags and carriers are to stand behind of the lions.
1:00点敲响庆祝中国建国60周年华诞锣鼓。At 1:00Pm All the Gongs and Drums starts for the opening of the celebration for the 60th Anniversaries of The People Republic of China.
100名合唱队员从舞台两侧上台到位。100 singers enter from both sides of the stages.
全体起立合唱团队员和全体嘉宾高唱中澳两国国歌。stage present the opening speech. 100 artists will sing the nation anthem of both Australia and China. Followed by the introduction of all the guests.

澳大利亚联邦政府代表致词。The Governor of NSW present his speech。
澳大利亚紐省省长致词。The Premier of New South Wales Australia presents his speech.

中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使馆章均赛大使致词。The Ambassador of People Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia MR. Zhang Jun Sai presents his speech.

中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事馆胡山总领事致词。The Minister of foreign affairs of the People Republic of China MR. Hu Shan presents his speech

澳洲中国和平统一促进会邱威廉会长致词。The President Australian Council for the promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China MR. Qiu William presents his speech.
王国忠总召集人指挥嘉宾为雄狮点睛MR Ernest Wong leads the honorable guests to eye dotting for the lions.
鼓乐齐鸣雄狮欢腾,雄狮从台阶上舞到台中,舞台上合唱团从两边下场,。Gong and Drum Starts, lion show begins, all lion move to center stage as the 100 singers exit the stage.

四位主持人开场白The four hosts appear to conclude the opening.
主持人Host:龙勇、张蓓(女)(中国) Long Yong、Zhang Pei(female)(china)
钱东岳、王艳妮(女)(澳洲)Paul Qian、Wang Yan Ni(female)(Australia)

1. 舞蹈《爱我中华》:悉尼蓓蕾舞蹈学校
Dance《Love for China》:Southern star performance arts school
2. 女声独唱《骄傲》《只有你》:表演者 黄绮珊
solo song《Proud》《Only you》:Huang Qi Shan
3. 舞蹈《荷塘月色》:黑天鹅舞蹈工作室
Dance《Moon light on lotus pond》:Black Swan Dance Workshop
4. 杂技《银色畅想》旋转框圈、《攀登巅峰》三人技巧:重庆三峡杂技团
Acrobatics《Sliver wave》spinning box、《Sky rock》:Chong Qing Acrobat Group
5. 女声独唱 西藏民歌《天路》 董宁
Female Solo Tibet Song《Heaven road》 Dong Ning
6. 舞蹈《蒙古舞》:悉尼星光舞蹈团
Dance《Mongolian Dance》:Star Light Performers Company
7. 女声独唱《红旗飘飘》《木叶情歌》:重庆市歌剧院
Solo song《Flag in the wind》《Highland Love song》:Chong Qing Opera Company
Dance《Rainbow Dance》:Southern Star Performance School
8. 女声独唱《和谐中国》:黄梅
Female solo《My China》:Huang Mei
9. 踢踏舞《共庆佳节》:爱尔兰青年舞蹈团
Tap Dance《Celebration》:Maria Mather school of Irish dance
10. 男女声二重唱《共和国的旗帜》:曦阳、曲红
Duet Song《The flag of Mother land》:Yi Yang、Qu Hong
11. 舞蹈《东方神韵》:澳大利亚东方歌舞团
Dance《Rhythm of East》:Australian Oriental Sing &Dance Group
12. 舞狮表演《雄狮上山岗》:悉尼舞狮队走桩表演
Lion dance《Ruler of the mountains》:Sydney Lion Dance Team
13. 琵琶独奏:《春江花月夜》学生会
Pipa Solo : Student
14. 舞蹈《祖国在我心上》:澳洲福建会馆
Dance《Home land in my heart》:Australian Fu Jian Institute
15. 《变脸吐火踢慧眼》:重庆川剧团
《Face Change Fire Breath》:Chong Qing Shao Xing Opera Group
16. 舞蹈《斗笠舞》Gosford华人舞蹈团
Dance《Bamboo Hat》Gosford Chinese Dancing Group
17. 女声独唱:学生会Solo song: Student
18. 少儿合唱《同一首歌》:小海燕童声歌唱团
Kids Ensemble《That One Song》:Australian Chinese Language Schools Association INC
19. 舞蹈《飞天》:悉尼华人舞蹈团
Dance《Sky high》:Sydney Chinese Dance Group
21. 现代舞蹈:学生会Modern dance: Students
22. 舞蹈《千手观音》: 澳洲福州同乡会
Dance《thousand Hand Buddha》: Australian FuJian community Gourp
23. 女声独唱《我爱你中国》:王承简
Female solo song《I love you China》: Wang Chengjian
24. 全体演员在台上大合唱《歌唱祖国》
All performer on the stage and everyone together sings《My home my China》

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